Monday, January 30, 2012

Reflecting on Blogs

I went back to do some blog cleanup this weekend and I realized that every month, I claim to be falling in love with someone. I was talking to Burrby about it and I asked him why he thinks I do that (we've been friends for 6 years so he knows me better than most).

"Do you think I could be using the words falling in love lightly or is it possible that in my head, I honestly feel like I am falling in love?  Because I always say it so quick, that I can't possibly mean it, right?"

His answer was really surprising though.  He said something to the affect of:

"I think that you say it because that's how you feel at the time.  That's just who you are, you're a loving person who really wants to be in love.  You've always been like that.  No matter how much you try to change that or psych yourself out about it, you're going to stay the same way because that's who you are and what you care most about.  Its going to be on your mind because you want it so bad.  And no, you shouldn't try to change that because its not a bad thing to want to love someone."

I love Burrby's outlook on things. Happy to have my friend back