Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Part 1

Happy New Year!!! 

Truthfully, I couldn't give two shits that its a new year.  I'm such a negative Nancy.  My resolution (just determined today) is to quit wearing my emotions on my sleeve.  The only problem with that, is that I am so transparent that people can read through my front.  I'll try to work on that too, I guess.

I don't think I have ever really talked about how work has been going for me but basically, I'm not the best at this job by far-but I'm not THE worst.  However, my manager volunteered his true opinion when giving me my evaluation before New Years.:

"I don't think that this position as Advisor is your forte.  In fact, I don't see you in this position at DeVry long-term.  But there are other things that you can do here with the company.  But I don't see you even climbing up the Advisor ladder."

"Wow" was all that I could think.  "Nothing" was all that I could say.  I have never been so insulted at work in my life.  So, imagine my confusion when I saw his New Years card to me that said:

"I have no doubt that you will be very successful in this role if you stay positive and confident."