Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Compliment My Style

Yesterday I was paid the most amazing compliment of all times.  
It made my day, my week, and probably my whole month!

I submitted a fifteen picture order at Walgreen's photo lab online of my original work that I want to hang above my couch.  Twenty minutes after I did that, I received a call from the photo lab technician at Walgreen's telling me that he received my order but the pictures look to be professional.  I thought that he was complimenting me so I thanked him.  He said "you're welcome" and then it was dead silent.  Eventually I picked up on the fact that there was a problem and asked "is there a problem?"  He was concerned about copyright infringement.  I let him know that I am an entry-level photographer and could bring in a business card if necessary.  He actually asked that I do that.  HOW AWESOME WAS THAT! I must not be that bad huh?! :)