Its crazy how certain things don't happen until you have guests from out of town. Never have I had a problem on the bus or the train while in Chicago. But for some reason, because my folks were here, a little boy decides to try and mug my sister and a man attempts suicide on the subway. So now of course they are scarred from ever riding on either ever again and I cant really blame them.
But man, it felt so good to be around my family this weekend. I miss them so much already and feel both rejuvenated and homesick all at the same time. We took cute pictures around the city but I bet I wont ever see them because they aren't on my camera. Its like pulling teeth to get someone to send you your pictures from their personal camera. Its always awkward when you have to keep subtly mentioning to someone to upload your pictures because you're afraid that you will bug them so much that they will just say screw it altogether and delete all of them. -crosses fingers and says a quick prayer-
On another note, the generous old lady took us shopping, which was great because I realized that I have developed a little fashion sense since I have been out here. I like my new style...whenever I get a day to express it, that is. Oh, and I do look sexy today. Where am I going? No where. But still...go me!
The only bad thing that happened this weekend was that mr.cherrybomb and i wont be talking on that level - if we ever were talking on that level. I'm so confused with what he is asking of me or what he is not asking of me that i feel a friendship is better than nothing at all. No matter how much I like him, I don't know what he wants and I cant figure it out. I'm frustrated with the whole situation. -grr-