Last night was a blast! With the exception of a few errors in the night, that is. I decided to just save gas and save on parking issues by just taking the bus to The House of Blues. When I got there, I was the only person carded (smh). The concert was supposed to start at 7:30pm and I arrived around 7:15pm for a good seat. Well, when I got inside, I realized that there was no seating available unless you paid in advance for it :o/ . Good thing I didn't wear heels! So I scurried over to the railing to get a good leaning spot during the concert. This big girl...a lot of big girls...had the same idea and scurried over also. I spent the whole night trying to dodge ass and elbows. It almost felt as if the one girl in front of me was violating my space on purpose.
The show didn't even start until around 9:00pm which sucked because I was sitting there...standing there...alone for 2 hours before I had a reason to open my mouth (singing along with the performers). And then at 9:00pm it wasn't even Mint Condition who performed. It was the opening act! Granted, they were fabulous, but they performed like...5 songs! I didn't want to hear 5 songs from an opening act. I was tired from standing and ready to get on with the show so that I could head home. The show was amazing and funky! I had so much fun partying with the old heads there. Surprisingly, it was a lot of gorgeous couples there and I wondered to myself if I had a guy with me, would we have been a gorgeous couple too. -shrugs- who gives a f**k. Back to the story. So once it was over, I headed home on the train, not realizing it was 12:30am and creeps were everywhere. When I got on the train, I realized that I was receiving stares from men at all parts of the train and I was the only girl there. I was so scared and uncomfortable (which is why I don't wear leggings. They seem to bring attention too your legs-unwanted attention). While waiting on the last bus to come, this man tried to make a move on me. Long story short, here was our final dialogue before he got off the bus at his stop.
Me- " name is J"
Him: "J..mmm...J and Justin. J & J....We're gonna be like J&J Fish huh?"
J&J Fish? Wow...Anyways. When I got mobile, I hung out with overflow before falling asleep. He took me by a couple of lounges on the south side that I had been wanting to see. We didn't go in or anything but I couldn't believe how many after parties were still going on. I cant party that long-must be in bed by 1AM.
The "okay I'll be there in 15 minutes" guy had the nerve to call me, telling me he was in my area and thought we should watch a movie. I forgot to mention that we hung out a couple of times a few weeks ago and then he played me last week AGAIN so I deleted his number AGAIN. My answer was no, of course. Guy 3 didn't make it to Chicago yesterday and I'm kind of glad because I don't need anyone pushing up on me right now.