Workplace drama has pushed me to make some bold moves for myself. Needless to say, "bold" for me these days means "expensive." I wont speak on the workplace drama because I am completely over it. But I will say that it resulted in me buying myself two tickets.
The first was a ticket to Miami for my birthday in May. I have been watching these American Airline prices like a hawk each week for 3 months. The prices were always at $190 each way, totalling around $360 round trip after tax. Can you believe those bad boys dropped down to $86 each way?! No way was I passing that up. Whether I can afford it or not isn't important. It was clearly American Airlines' birthday gift to me and I don't pass up gifts. Its funny how much I spoiled myself last year with multiple trips to Miami among many other places without being phased. But hell...right about now, I feel like a million bucks!
The second was a ticket to Mint Conditions concert in Chicago next Friday. It was only $50 and I couldn't pass up some good old school in person. Hilarious how every time I tell someone I am going to their concert, they respond with "they're still alive?" haha.
On another mom and sister are visiting this weekend! I cannot wait to be around people who know me. -sigh- I love the familiar. I started applying for other jobs this week too and it made my job a lot less stressful. LOL. In fact, it made living in the city less stressful altogether. I'm starting to think that submitting applications can be therapeutic.