Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Psycho Returns

So...guess who sent me a text this week, asking to give "us" another try.  
Psycho is the one that I was talking to for a couple of weeks that snapped on me.  He sent me the verbally abusive text messages followed by the "I love you" text message. 
(refer to my June 19, 2011 blog: He Snapped...He is Psycho). 
For some screwed up reason, it took me a couple of weeks to turn him down.  I think it had a lot to do with how much I miss an aggressive man and you cant get much more aggressive than him. 
The funniest part about all of this is that when I turned him down, his response was "okay, thanks."  Wow...way to show me that you are interested...or in this case...way to show me that you are NOT interested.
I'm so happy that I did not break, I clearly would have regretted it!
<3 GOD for giving me strength!