Thursday, October 6, 2011

News X 2

I'm feeling happy.
My company is having fun in Chicago...and as much as I want to like him on a romantic level, I don't.  I don't know what it is... I just don't think that we have the most jaw-dropping connection.  It's weird.  Like... we have a connection when we are together.  But when we are apart, I feel nothing. Are you supposed to stop liking the person that you're hanging out with once they are out of sight?


I was approved for the apartment! AND they are letting me choose whether to move in November or to wait until December.  Since my current lease isn't up until November 30, it will help me so much to save $700 and move in December.  This is the new design that I'm shooting for with my apartment.

And you wont believe this.  GUESS who called me yesterday and asked about job opportunities in Chicago?? Terah!! My bff.  Can you believe that she finally came around?  It took a year but I guess she is finally coming to her senses.  Looks like the end of this year will be a great one <3