1. Incident 1: After a night of passion [I didn't say sex, just passion], I picked up "his" cell phone while a text message from some chic came in saying "Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes."...FML
2. Incident 2: I called myself being a player and visited 2 guys in one weekend. I had to find out from guy 2 that guy 1 left a cherry bomb on my neck...FML
3. Incident 3: I found out that I owe 2K in taxes this year because I filed my W4s wrong...this was of course found out after I borrowed $800 from my mom...promising her I would pay her back with my tax refund...in the meantime my mom treated herself to a new $1300 flat screen... FML
4. Incident 4: Guy 3 called me last weekend from jail saying that he was locked up for shooting someone. This weekend I told him I thought he was lying about shooting someone last weekend and he responded with "I never said I shot anyone, I just got into a fight." My mind has been so screwed up this month that I don't know if he is lying or if I am delusional...FML
5. Incident 5: Guy 4 [yes, this is the last guy lol ] has been the object of my affection since I moved here. I love how he owns his own business, lives alone, has no woman, no kids, hi

One thing that I cannot deny is that I brought all of that on myself. I guarantee you...no more reckless weekends for this girl. Until next time...here is a picture of some good old Chicago love that I stole a shot of on the L. Either that or she was digging up his nose. -shrugs- same difference, right? :o)