While I was at work this weekend, a customer approached my counter with a bag of chips from our vending machine [the one that I have circled on the second row, second column].
Out of all of these name brand chips in this large vending machine, you chose this one?? Why??Now, I admit, I don't know if this is a name brand or not...but regardless, it cant stand up against the other brands in the machine. You have the option to choose between the classic Cheese-Its, Doritos, Cheetos, Lays, Sun Chips, Snyder's, TGIF, Chex, Frito's, etc... And of all of these brands, you choose the Salsita brand? Salsita?
I'm certain that this was an attempt at expressing her individuality. It had to be. Nothing left to say about that.
But...now that I look at the vending machine, I'm starting to reconsider whether or not it is a name brand selection after all. I've asked everyone their opinon and they have all responded with "ummm, I think so." But it has to be name brand. Why would they throw one random bag of chips in a machine with all name brand items? So...now I'm irritated at the fact that I was never introduced to this down low brand.