Friday, February 25, 2011

A Pretty Girl Like You

I was watching Ruff Endz music video 'Someone To Love You' last night and found myself reminiscing about how amazing music videos used to be. Dont you miss the story lines in them? It was like watching little movies that we could all relate to, or wanted to relate to. Love seemed logical back then, didnt it?

Well, this video was close to my heart because it reflects what college was supposed to be like for me. Working long hours to pay off my tuition...studying all night and day...falling asleep while studing, just to be awakened by some strong and sexy intellectual man who feels the urge to help me make it through finals week as opposed to the urge to get a piece of ass.

But apparently, only pretty girls are deserving of sympathy. I can't tell you how many times I have heard a man say something to the effect of "you are too pretty to be so sad" or in this case with 'Someone To Love You', "I hate to see a pretty girl like you going through the things that you do." Hmm....would it be easier for you to see her suffer if she was ugly? Is it the ugly girls only that are deserving of sadness and pain? Its always the silent suggestions that are most insulting I tell you. lol.

The hair embedded into my carpet has been driving me up a wall. So today, I decided to do something about it. I must have went crazy because I grabbed my lent roller and went to town on my carpet. But no matter how many times I rolled over the same spot, hair just kept filling my lent roller! It was like hair was growing straight out of the d*mn carpet. So eventually I gave up [like I do with everything]. Woe is me.