Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wet Feet and Textbook Pains

This weekend was spent with mr. cherrybomb again :o). I had such a peaceful time, once again. He called me to let me know that he was about to get some pics taken of him by our friend Joe and I begged to come along and in order to get some practice. It felt so weird getting my feet wet again, taking pictures and all, but also so good at the same time. It's funny how subconsciously he inspires me. I didnt even realize this until I was done editing the pictures, but he actually was the reason that I touched that camera again. -Not letting that get to my head...just an observation-

The more that I hang out with him and our mutual acquantances, the more that I like this city. I feel like I'm around family and it's a really good feeling. With him it's like...he's quickly becoming a friend that I just so happen to like. And with the whole family, the city just feels safe to me. Not so full of drama.

Today I got a text from "mr. be there in 15 minutes." It had the nerve to say 'Happy Valentines Day'. I deleted his number so I didnt know who it was but when I asked, he confirmed that it was him. I spent 30 minutes to an hour trying to decide how to respond, when I finally just decided not to. He really isnt worth the time...that's what mr. cherry bomb made me feel like...that mr. 15 minutes just wasnt worth the time.

The only BS from today was the fact that I had to buy my school textbooks for $115 online. It tore me inside out to have to spend that type of money just to run from student loans. God...I need a real job.