Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I'm Trying To Get out Of The House
Man...I'm trying so hard to just get up and walk out of this house so that I can enjoy the day but I can't stop watching music videos. Every one of Trey Songz videos is making me fantasize and I cant stop pretending. SO LAME. I need to get up. UGH...damn you Trey. But forreal...I wonder if I lost weight and got a sexy body if I would have better luck...hope not because Im not gonna lift not one damn weight. -shrugs-
Friday, February 25, 2011
Corvette in a Gym??
OMG did they just drive off on the ex boyfriend in a Corvette...out of the school gym? Really? How far did you get? start video at 4:41. It says 'gymnasium' on the wall which indicates that they were parked outside of the school gym. BUT it just doesnt look anything like the parking lot of a school to me. I could be wrong....probably am...but OMG it looks like they just drove off out of the school gym!
A Pretty Girl Like You
Well, this video was close to my heart because it reflects what college was supposed to be like for me. Working long hours to pay off my tuition...studying all night and day...falling asleep while studing, just to be awakened by some strong and sexy intellectual man who feels the urge to help me make it through finals week as opposed to the urge to get a piece of ass.
But apparently, only pretty girls are deserving of sympathy. I can't tell you how many times I have heard a man say something to the effect of "you are too pretty to be so sad" or in this case with 'Someone To Love You', "I hate to see a pretty girl like you going through the things that you do." Hmm....would it be easier for you to see her suffer if she was ugly? Is it the ugly girls only that are deserving of sadness and pain? Its always the silent suggestions that are most insulting I tell you. lol.
The hair embedded into my carpet has been driving me up a wall. So today, I decided to do something about it. I must have went crazy because I grabbed my lent roller and went to town on my carpet. But no matter how many times I rolled over the same spot, hair just kept filling my lent roller! It was like hair was growing straight out of the d*mn carpet. So eventually I gave up [like I do with everything]. Woe is me.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
No, Not Aunt Flo!
1. my hair is messed up
2. i hate tampons
3. im broke in my mind again
4. somebody "got theirs" and i didn't "get mine" (no details)
5. my Chicago wardrobe sucks and i cant do anything about it
6. bootz is irritating the hell out of me with the whining and tailing me all over the studio
7. im sick of working so far away from home
8. why did i demote myself? why?
9. eating chicken potpies for lunch is getting old
10. i miss working at tmobile with my friends
11. the people i work with cant all be trusted apparently
12. right now i wish i would have stayed in stl and just upgraded my living situation
13. this OT pay is so necessary but d*mn I wish I didn't have to work this weekend
14. homework is taking up too much of my energy and time and im already a freakin' graduate
15. im irritated by someone who keeps ignoring me while standing right next to me. GO AWAY
16. no matter how much money i make, i owe $1900 for taxes
17. i want to go to church and i dont feel like looking for a church home
18. there is no Wal-Mart ANYWHERE within 20 miles of my house
19. the violist performer at the train stop when I get off work - PLEASE stop playing!
20. i missed the first episode of ANTM. I wont ever catch the show because it takes me too long to get home from work
21. i hate that men think they can just call the shots when dating
22. i don't know what to wear for Vernique's wedding
23. i don't have a date for Verniques wedding
24. im sick of men seeking me out when they know that they are just on some games
25. i called so many people when i was drunk and no one picked up. what if i needed a ride??
26. my weave is embedded into my carpet
27. i have not slept on my futon yet because im too lazy to let it out and my back hurts
28. i have a pain in my leg that feels like will lead to an amputation
29. all of my bras are too small
30. my panties are old. i want new panties
31. my eye infection is back
I'm done for now...but I will be me
Monday, February 21, 2011
Vending Machine Irritation
Out of all of these name brand chips in this large vending machine, you chose this one?? Why??Now, I admit, I don't know if this is a name brand or not...but regardless, it cant stand up against the other brands in the machine. You have the option to choose between the classic Cheese-Its, Doritos, Cheetos, Lays, Sun Chips, Snyder's, TGIF, Chex, Frito's, etc... And of all of these brands, you choose the Salsita brand? Salsita?
I'm certain that this was an attempt at expressing her individuality. It had to be. Nothing left to say about that. that I look at the vending machine, I'm starting to reconsider whether or not it is a name brand selection after all. I've asked everyone their opinon and they have all responded with "ummm, I think so." But it has to be name brand. Why would they throw one random bag of chips in a machine with all name brand items? I'm irritated at the fact that I was never introduced to this down low brand.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Where are the Clair Huxtables You Ask?
I'm feeling very 'wholesome' right now so I decided to download The Cosby Show seasons from Netflix. While I was watching, I felt compelled to follow the communication/relationship between Cliff and Clair to see what is so "special" about the way that she handles her man...because as wonderful as a woman that Clair is, I feel that men are in love with her for stereotypical reasons (successful, can cook, housekeeping, motherly, sexy, etc) and wouldn't find her to be any more 'tolerable' than us 21st century women...lets take a look.
Most episodes are of Clair sitting at home, cooking or reading a magazine or book. She is a stern mother, good mother, but has a very formal relationship with her children...barely inquiring of their personal interests until a problem arises. Cliff on the other hand is seen going out of his way to talk to his children on a personal level about their likes and dislikes; entertaining them with games, jokes and stories. She addresses her family in very condescending, challenging tones most times and in nearly every episode spends most of her airtime making requests or demands of her husband who humbly submits. Lets take a look at season 6, episode 10...
Season 6: Episode 10
- Its storming on Thanksgiving Day and Clair, realizing that she's missing certain ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner, sends Cliff out in the storm to the store. When Cliff returns, he begins to gripe that the only open store was some market 20 miles out with lines for days. Clair's response was not "thank you" or "aw you poor thing" but instead was "Cliff, you forgot the canned pumpkin for the pumpkin pie, eggs for the cornbread and you also forgot the nutmeg." Cliff exclaims "but sweetheart, i see that you're already making sweet potato pie. We don't need two types of pie. He then pulls a bottle of nutmeg from the spices rack and hands it to Clair saying "and here is a bottle of nutmeg right here." Clair then takes the nutmeg from Cliff and tosses it into the trash saying "but Cliff, that is not fresh nutmeg." She then opens the door for Cliff to go back out. Needless to say, Cliff screws up the grocery order again, having to run in and out of the house 2 more times. When Cliff makes it back home the final time with the correct groceries, he sees that the cornbread has been prepared and is sitting on the dinner table. He asks Clair "how did you make cornbread without eggs" and she responds "well honey, I just borrowed them from next door."
Now lets discuss bullet points
- If I ask you to go grocery shopping for me, 'yes' will be the last thing that escapes your lips. And on a holiday? When it is storming outside?! PLLLEASEE
- If I was missing ingredients for certain dishes, I guarantee you that you will tell me to just take the dishes off of the menu
- I bet you a dollar per mile that I cant get you to drive 20 miles to a grocery store for me
- Let me take grocery bags from you and not say thank you...just let me
- You're ok with me sending you out in the storm so that I an have 2 pies and not one?
- The nutmeg from my spices rack isn't fresh enough? Really??
- You wont run the same errand twice. You wont.
My favorite incident was when Clair comes home, clearly upset about her day. Cliff pulls her aside and asks her of her troubles. She explains what her day was like and once consoling her says "let me tell you about my day." Clair responds with "honey, not right now. I don't really want to discuss anything after the day I have had." And Cliff says "but sweetheart, I listened to your troubles about today." Clair says "but I didn't ask you to." Everyone in the audience laughed and laughed. But if that happened in real life-it wouldn't be funny at all. I'm sure that the conversation would have went a lot differently.
A woman like Clair Huxtable will not take "no" for an answer when she makes a request from you. A woman like Clair Huxtable would not tolerate a man using foul language when speaking to her. A woman like Clair Huxtable will not settle for a man who does not contribute. Whether or not you 21st century men feel that Clair Huxtable has solid reason to have ares/airs about herself, you are not nearly strong enough or secure enough to handle a woman expecting more from you than you expect of yourself. -Done-
Friday, February 18, 2011
Strangeness + Overtime Pay
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Wet Feet and Textbook Pains
The more that I hang out with him and our mutual acquantances, the more that I like this city. I feel like I'm around family and it's a really good feeling. With him it's like...he's quickly becoming a friend that I just so happen to like. And with the whole family, the city just feels safe to me. Not so full of drama.
Today I got a text from "mr. be there in 15 minutes." It had the nerve to say 'Happy Valentines Day'. I deleted his number so I didnt know who it was but when I asked, he confirmed that it was him. I spent 30 minutes to an hour trying to decide how to respond, when I finally just decided not to. He really isnt worth the time...that's what mr. cherry bomb made me feel like...that mr. 15 minutes just wasnt worth the time.
The only BS from today was the fact that I had to buy my school textbooks for $115 online. It tore me inside out to have to spend that type of money just to run from student loans. God...I need a real job.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
2nd Attempt Toward a B.A.M.
Anyway, I got crapped on by him again. This time I took the bus to the train station to meet him. The plan was for us to ride on the train together and split at different spots-me to go downtown and him to go to work. After playing text tag with non-informational messages, I called him once I reached the train stop just to find out that he had went on without me. I SNAPPED. I mean...SNAPPED. You sent me on a BAM (bullsh*t a** mission) in 8 degree weather, of course I was going to snap! It ended with him telling me that I need help. Like that's some type of news to me.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
V-Day Runaways & Porn Star Pleasure
I have to get back to work...speaking of which...I hate when I ask a customer for a reservation number and they respond with "I don't have a reservation number. I just have a confirmation number." you honestly not know that that is what I'm asking for?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Weekend of Chaos...FML
1. Incident 1: After a night of passion [I didn't say sex, just passion], I picked up "his" cell phone while a text message from some chic came in saying "Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes."...FML
2. Incident 2: I called myself being a player and visited 2 guys in one weekend. I had to find out from guy 2 that guy 1 left a cherry bomb on my neck...FML
3. Incident 3: I found out that I owe 2K in taxes this year because I filed my W4s wrong...this was of course found out after I borrowed $800 from my mom...promising her I would pay her back with my tax the meantime my mom treated herself to a new $1300 flat screen... FML
4. Incident 4: Guy 3 called me last weekend from jail saying that he was locked up for shooting someone. This weekend I told him I thought he was lying about shooting someone last weekend and he responded with "I never said I shot anyone, I just got into a fight." My mind has been so screwed up this month that I don't know if he is lying or if I am delusional...FML
5. Incident 5: Guy 4 [yes, this is the last guy lol ] has been the object of my affection since I moved here. I love how he owns his own business, lives alone, has no woman, no kids, his own transportation, loves the arts and has incredible sex appeal. Well I just found out that he must be confused about some facts: he lives at home with his female friend who is 6 months pregnant with his baby..FML
One thing that I cannot deny is that I brought all of that on myself. I guarantee more reckless weekends for this girl. Until next is a picture of some good old Chicago love that I stole a shot of on the L. Either that or she was digging up his nose. -shrugs- same difference, right? :o)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Ready for the new season
I ran into an old friend of mine this week. She was telling me about how well she was doing since we last spoke...she has two children, a man who she is happy with, a condo, is a Supervisor at her job and working on opening her own facility of some sort while she studies for her Masters degree. After I took her tale of success in, I thought about my own success or lack thereof. I was proud to hear that she was doing well but realized that I was ashamed at how I was not. Should I be ashamed? Should I be ashamed that I have yet to start in a career path? Or that I have not yet found myself? That I have no goals that I am reaching for anymore? Sometimes I wish that this world would hurry up and it is a long drawn out tv episode that I am craving to come to an end just so I can get it over with. I'm ready for a new season to begin...but I know that this is the only season that I will ever star in. Once this is is life.