The babyshower was amazing!! The best part about it was that I got to spend some 1-on-1 quality time with my sis Whitney (yellow dress). She picked me up from Union Station when I got into town and we went straight to Target to buy her babyshower gifts. Only Whitney could make babyshower shopping a comedy show. It was hilarious and I loved every minute of it. We had a whole conversation about whether or not it was better to buy Pampers or Huggies...or if we should buy newborn pampers only or 1st year pampers also?? We ended up skipping out on those and got other stuff lol. As promised, I spoiled my little babies :)
I cant believe that so many years have passed since we all met. A part of me somewhat envies them for moving their lives along and starting families while I'm still at square one. Whit was telling me that its not like their relationships are all peachy so don't envy anything. Either way, from the looks of it, I won't be in their position ever or for a very long time.