Sooooooo I went out the other night and had the time of my life!! So you know what that means, 8 numbers got trashed and 7 more have joined the BBerry top10. #1 is a ho-dog (I can already tell) but managed to do the currently unthinkable and turn me on sexually without putting a finger on me. #2 is so so sweet and soft spoken (soon to irritate me bec. he is my "yes" man) and is about to go serve our country for 26 weeks. #3 is the one who made me step outta my czone- I actually asked for HIS number-he intrigues the hell outta me but is one of those BAM guys. #4 is an ol skool dude (he doesn't really count, we got caught drinking in my house when we were in high school). #5 is an ol skool dude too (also doesn't count. he used to visit me at college but we stopped talking because he wanted to go to an Alpha party instead of the drag show-i was tripping wasn't it?). #6 was a nobody, but cute. #7 was inappropriately handled but i couldn't resist.
Guess whose getting out of jail in April...yeah. I guess I'm supposed to stop my life and become his 'ride or die' again. Its funny how you regret things once you cant change him-and he does. He's lonely and wants me back but I know its for all of the wrong reasons. No one is there to care for him except for me, and that's why hes attached. I loved being there for him, but I cant let him hold me back in life. He says I'm wrong for that because I shouldn't let my "career goals" stand in the way of my hearts desires. But I beg the differ. Personal success is consistent with your is not. And its not love anyway. Both of us got what we wanted at the time (admiration from his end and attention from my end). Besides, I can do better. I know that sounds bad because who am I to judge. But I lived my life intentionally avoiding mistakes because I cared so much about my future. Now its not my fault that he had the typical "i live for the moment" attitude that men have and thought that some good woman would still sacrifice her life's preparation for him. Get real. No more compromising. Speaking of compromise, me and Mr.NYC had a long talk and it wasn't that great. I compromised (after I just said no more compromising), but he did too. However, I wont know if it will benefit me until March 4. I dont know if love compromises in the way that we just did...I wih I could say more but I cant-not just yet.. .