My coworkers and I have bonded because of the drama from the one girl at work. Its funny how things happen that way. I dont have to work with her tomorrow either, which is a great start to a new week. I got to do some overtime yesterday and am on my way to do some overtime today too, but I already spent some of my earnings on a $10 chinese food plate and a $130 shopping spree at Target. UGH, Target is the devil. I'm tempted to take everything back but they all seem like such important items. :o(
- 4 bras
- 3 cute crew socks
- Napoleon Dynamite DVD
- Life DVD (I used to have the DVD and Cassette but somehow lost both)
- Bookbag (the same one that my blogbuddy has-when I saw it, I had to have it!)
- 4 adorable boy shorts
- 6 hipster panties
- A pack of 3 adorable boy shorts
- A tutrle ring
- 3 new earrings