Saturday, April 2, 2011

Closure and Target Errors

This is the last that you will ever hear me speak about mr.cherrybomb.  We are done talking. I'm sick of him making himself seem like a victim when he isnt a victim at all. I'm over it.  And because I'm over it, I am not in the mood to blog details. I just needed to share the update so when I start moving on, there are no questions as to where mr.cherrybomb went. 
My coworkers and I have bonded because of the drama from the one girl at work.  Its funny how things happen that way.  I dont have to work with her tomorrow either, which is a great start to a new week.  I got to do some overtime yesterday and am on my way to do some overtime today too, but I already spent some of my earnings on a $10 chinese food plate and a $130 shopping spree at Target. UGH, Target is the devil.  I'm tempted to take everything back but they all seem like such important items. :o(

  • 4 bras
  • 3 cute crew socks
  • Napoleon Dynamite DVD
  • Life DVD (I used to have the DVD and Cassette but somehow lost both)
  • Bookbag (the same one that my blogbuddy has-when I saw it, I had to have it!)
  • 4 adorable boy shorts
  • 6 hipster panties
  • A pack of 3 adorable boy shorts
  • A tutrle ring
  • 3 new earrings