Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Give Me Back My Life

so much has been happening to me these last couple of weeks and I really wish things could just get back to normal so that I can enjoy my life.  I honestly see now how things could have definitely been worse back when I was complaining about petty things.  I don't feel like going into details about what is going on with me but I will say that I am no longer living in my apartment although I am paying rent there.  I miss having a place to stay and I am just praying and praying for this issue to end so that I can get my life back to normal again. A part of me is a little excited about starting from scratch again but another part of me is sad that I lost a lot of what I owned and had established already.  I miss stupid things like being able to come home and watch TV, take naps, play my video games, do homework, blog, get dressed up, take pictures on my downtime....man I miss my camera...
