Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My First Tattoo

DJ (new guy friend) picked me up today since my car is in the shop.  When we got back to my house, we saw this note on the main door:

I looked at him and he looked at me and said "uh oh." I just shook my head because I already knew...
I was so embarrassed when I picked her up and felt like a bad mom.  Apparently she jetted out of the door and up the stairs when I was leaving out this morning.  I didn't even know she had ran out because I was carrying a box for the dumpster.  I must have missed her because she ran up the stairs instead of down the stairs.  But when I got to her tonight, she let me hold her - she knew I was her mommy :)

Once things settled down, me and DJ sat down and talked and looked at old photo albums.  I like his company.  He's so mellow and chill.  Its nice to be around someone who balances me out.  Meshwell's energy was more my speed but this is really nice...he calms me down and helps me relax.  I like where his head is too-no resistance to things developing if that happens.  So I can actually sit back and chill because I know I wont have to fight him about owning up to his feelings if things go there. 

   I asked him to give  me a fake tattoo and somehow this is what we came up with lol.  It was something about him turning me on-which is how we ended up with a light switch. lol.  He isn't a bad artist!