Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blind to my Blessings

I was talking to my friend Chris about my car breaking down.  Of course, at the time I was feeling pretty negative about it but he had this amazing way of having me change my whole perspective on the situation.  He told me that it was crazy how God has been reconstructing all of these parts of my life and answering all of my prayers.  I was like..."dude...what are you talking about? my car just broke down." He responds with "well you couldn't get a new car until you got rid of the old one, could you?"  And that made me think....

So Chris kept talking and went on to remind me of all of these answered prayers that I forgot about. 
  • I said that St. Louis was killing my spirit and God placed me in a city that brings me peace
  • He got rid of the 2 jobs/7 days a week schedule that I was working and replaced them with a one job/5 days a week schedule that surpassed both jobs in income
  • I needed a new apartment but couldn't afford the moving process. Somehow I was able to afford a $1600 down payment the same month that I was paying $712 for my old apartment WHILE giving me a friend who helped me move for free and then returning my security despot
  • ... and now he took my broke down car away and replaced it with a better one
When Chris said all of this, I had to stop and recap lie...God is moving in my life and I almost failed to see it.
 ...and I must be doing right by Him because He sees me right now.  I <3 that