Year Recap Part 2
New read #2 - such a great great great book. Every day that I read this was an amazing day. I had a lot of great things happen to me while I was reading this book so I made sure to read it super slowly. So slowly that I never finished it lol.
Back to the bun thingy again! It looks different every time to me
Dad and I back in the old days. Took me down memory lane :). I was such a daddy's girl.
Trip to the Holocaust Museum with my girl crush Bri...and my new natural do LOL
But that got old and then I missed my bun again! Except I wanted the blonde back this time!
Boys 2 Men Concert with girl crush Bri :D. I didn't realize I liked B2M so much until that night. I knew way more songs than I remembered. Oh! Bobby Brown was the opening act. Now THAT was something to see. His old butt was getting it lol.
Next Date Night With Bri and Jackie to see a friend perform at the Comedy Show. My first time wearing a dress in forever.