Wednesday, October 30, 2013
So Drunk...Telling Secrets
LOL okay, so I should be out doing something wild because I'm drunk but I was watching Footloose and that shit changed my vibe lol. I wanna dance now. I want to straight dance - like .... square dance. I think I can though, if I try real hard. I'm on POF right now and this white guy asked me what I was doing, I told him I was watching Footloose and he was like "whats that?" I thought all white people knew about Footloose. Thats like a black woman never seeing waiting to exhale! I'm starting to wonder if he is white afterall. If he isnt white, he loses all cool points. Anyway...I was thinking about...someone...and "yeah I still love him." lol figure out who I love - no I'm kidding - that would be a waste of time and would take too long. I'm going to get another drink. Just had to pop in and talk about Footloose right quick