Oh man...this weekend was exhausting. The wedding turned out great and I got some excellent shots of the wedding from beginning to end. I cant wait to create the wedding album for them. I think I'm going to make one for myself to serve as a wedding sample. My mentor told me that with the quality photos that I did, even with the lack of equipment, I should have charged $7-800 for the shoot alone. Not to mention the cost of post processing the photos, creating an album/picture delivery. Excited! Obviously I didn't capitalize this time on what I could have charged but now I know for next time that I can make some money and that I am CAPABLE of doing this. Apparently I can take a month to prepare wedding pics and that's great because I have way too much to work with and don't want to rush. I also established an hourly rate for showcases which I will be doing a lot of after my recent event.
I miss DJ today...haven't heard from him since that last message he sent me about missing me and I honestly haven't thought about him much since then. Don't know why he is on my mind now but I think I miss his cute face and his calmness. Weird things have been happening with my "personal" life lately.
1. Two guys who aren't black actually have been showing me some interest - most people know that I've been anticipating some interracial attention for some years now. lol!
2. An old friend that I never thought would be interested in me just asked that we start talking more to see if we can make our relationship more than what it is. Um...no...
3. A guy that I used to be crazy about in St.Louis (who was too busy to even look at me) confessed this weekend that he's been keeping tabs on me (and proved it). He claimed that he has been thinking about me on a "beyond friendship" level and is ready for a commitment when he finds the right woman. I call bulls**t
And honestly could care less right now. I don't know why...I guess I'm just bored with the repeat disappointment. Not even trying to set myself up for failure right now...best to focus on the money.