Sunday, July 3, 2011

WTF Happened Yesterday!

Wow.  Yesterday was crazzzzzyy and is definitely deserving of a bullet list. 

  • Brooklynn fell out of the window yesterday (with no balcony to catch her).  She slipped through the open window while climbing up the window screen.  She was hanging on for dear life and I managed to pull her back in.  I never felt so much fear in my life.
  • Once I got her back in, a wasp flew into the house from a ripped part of the window screen that Brooklynn and Bootz keep climbing on.  With this being a studio apartment, I was running literally in small circles trying to escape the wasp.  I had to call an unfamiliar male neighbor into my apartment to kill it. 

  • I got into an argument with JP (the guy who I mentioned in the last blog that Ive been keeping company with for a couple months now.
  • I got into a "tiff" with a branch manager from a different Enterprise location.  I tried to do his branch a favor and he is basically pissed off about it because he didn't want it done.  He wrote me a rude email and I wrote back professionally, explaining that I didn't appreciate his rude tone and how my intention was to help.

  • I made a new neighbor friend out of the wasp incident.
  • I finally made it to church!
  • With all of the drama in the apartment, I decided to get on and go take pictures of the city.  I got some great new shots!
  • Since the Taste of Chicago was still being held, I was stopped by so many guys trying to flirt with me while I was taking pics.  So I have about....5 new contenders (much needed as the others are getting old).
    • Guy 1: from Miami. Owns his own record label.  Was sexy but I wasnt feeling any chemistry.  I was also being unfairly distant and rude because I didnt want to be bothered.  Not to mention, he and his friends were downtown "collecting numbers" which is a major turnoff to me.  But he didnt give up so I gave him my number.
    • Guy 2: too young but had some good conversation.  I wasnt feeling any chemistry with him either because his lips were very chapped.  But because he was persistant, I caved.
    • Guy 3: so so so sexy and so much chemistry.  Not much to say about him though. 
    • Guy 4: swept me off of my feet with his maturity and classy approach.  I cant even tell you how AWESOME his approach was. lol.  I just couldnt turn him away (I know it sounds like I didnt turn ANYbody away but I swear I had more than these 5 guys approach me lol).  I have a feeling that he is going to be my favorite person this month.  If you havent noticed...I dont have people around in my life too long (sometimes my fault, sometimes their fault).  So unfortunately, although I dont like it this way, have accepted my reality until I'm willing to change some things about myself or accept some things about people that I dont want to.
    • Guy 5: african king.  He was gorgeous but Americanized.  His accent is still strong (and a turn on).  He lives near me.  He has so much sex appeal and is so intelligent and so charming that I DONT want to get to know him because I know I will be hooked.  But Africans are somewhat argumentative and controlling and we know what happens when you mix that with my attitude. Disaster!
  • One of these guys that I met was a local artist who throws events and was interested in my photography.  I finally put my business card to use!
  • A lot of my old skool guys mentioned in this whole blog (and other guys not mentioned) are trying to get back a relationship with me. I love months like these because they are flattering lol.