Saturday, January 11, 2014

Me & My Thoughts of the Day

I was eating my new favorite meal - pizza with ranch dressing and hot sauce *yum!* while watching this new show on Netflix.  The girl in the show was talking about writing a book and it made me think about my goals list that I posted last month.  I wanted to write a book myself, remember?
 Anyway, I had just finished taking this job assessment online and realized how impossible its been to work on my book when I have to keep working on my everyday needs. am I supposed to accomplish my life goals when I can't even get started on them? And then I had this thought - maybe life isn't about accomplishing the long term goal(s).  All of these little steps that keep getting in the way might be what life is really about. I'm starting to feel like I should just set these goals and not worry about reaching them...I should just take advantage of all of the opportunities that arise while I'm working toward them.  I'll see...back to my pizza      

Wake Up Hunny!

Even My Cat Knows Whats Good

Scarves!! New scarf for the month ;)

Knitting Project

I'm so late with my posts but I decided to start knitting scarves last month lol. I didn't stick with it though (whats new) lol. But I went to JoAnnes craft store today and they had a 25% off on yarn ... which inspired me to keep knitting.  So I'll go back to the drawing board. 

D.A.R.E. to be drug free!

NY Resolutions

New Years Resolutions
  • No swearing
  • Go on a date with someone that I would typically never go on a date with
  • Advance my side hustle
  • Allow & work toward career advancement
  • No alcohol
  • No X-Factor